Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Mobility Ring

Mobility Ring

Product Name: Mobility Ring

Click here to get Mobility Ring at discounted price while it's still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Mobility Ring is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“To reverse the downward spiral of dysfunction and pain, you must restore the upward spiral of elastic power and precision”

– Neuro-Mobility Assessment Procedure (N-MAP) maxim

To remove dysfunction and pain from your upper extremities, restore its
function. It sounds like a platitude, but this simple statement reveals a
truth about biomechanics still rare in the fitness industry:

You’re probably doing the opposite of what you should be doing, and
you’re doing so, because you’ve become very, very skilled at how you
most often stand, sit and move.

Restoring function happens in the opposite direction of the dysfunction,
called Compensation. Like Scott B. Sonnon’s coining of the term “joint
mobility” in the 1990s, the next phase of fitness evolution will be heavily
influenced by his establishment of Compensation as a fitness modality and
“Compensatory Movement” as a method. To compensate for dysfunction, move in
the opposite direction of the over-use and mis-use you have created.

It’s easier to create movements that load what you’ve been doing. It’s
simple to help you over-train, and strengthen your dysfunction. However, to
unload what you’re doing, requires an inversion of perspective: you have to
consider the mirror-image of your behavioral patterns, and mentally, that
is a challenge for everyone, because your brain, like your body, becomes
shaped by what you repeatedly do. So, compensating for over-used and
mis-used patterns, requires mental effort to use your brain in the opposite
way that it’s shaped.

Fortunately, the most famous dyslexic scientist in the fitness industry,
Scott B. Sonnon, has become a master at creating inverted solutions to
conventional patterns.

Coach Sonnon released his Mobility Ring in 2017 to compensate for your
over-used and mis-used arms. As we will next discuss:

The Mobility Ring presents a portable, inexpensive, engaging and beautiful
means for reversing the spiral of dysfunction and injurious pain by
restoring the arm spiral of elastic precision and power.

To accompany the Mobility Ring, Coach Sonnon innovated an integrated system
of movements using evidence-based science called:

Never-before-seen, practical movements restore joint mobility and release
myofascial tension. Coach Sonnon originally designed and successfully
implemented these drills for United States Special Operations Forces as an
“in the field” low-tech solution to the exceedingly high rate of upper
extremity over-training pain and occupational injury in the military.

Traditional Solutions Don’t Work
: foam rollers, hand held trigger and vibration devices, balls and sticks
cannot access your upper extremities effectively, if at all. Only the
Mobility Ring and the JMMR movements, will access your arms, and like no
other device and method can.

Like cleaning a barrel with a bore snake restores the smooth efficiency of
spiral rifling, the Mobility Ring restores the hydraulic twist of your arms
to enhance your range of motion, kinesthetic sense, coordination, precision
and accuracy, force production and functional balance of muscular tension.

JMMR addresses many of the bodily systems, including, but not limited to:
fascia or connective tissue, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and your skin
itself. Through the assistance of the Mobility Ring, you can move and
‘massage’ the upper extremities in a comprehensive manner that no other
device and method can achieve. This aids in breaking up muscle knots and
the restriction of fascial adhesions.

Scientists show that releasing these knots and restrictions re-aligns the
natural fiber lines of the tissues which permits them to glide freely, thus
increase ease and precision of movement, while increasing the ability to
produce force, without pain (Clark et al. 2014).

Any movement done to the exclusion of its opposite creates muscular
imbalance, seen nowhere as obviously than in occupationally repetitive
motions and positions. Arm pain and injuries due to these repetitive
movements are the #1 most expensive and common occupational problem.

Recent scientific research demonstrates that when you perform joint mobility
and myofascial release consistently you can facilitate the correction of
these muscle imbalances (Price J. 2010, 2013; Penney, S. 2015).

Improved Muscle Relaxation and Decreased Hypertonicity:

JMMR facilitates the reduction and elimination of chronic muscle
tension in the arms, which aids in the alleviation of dysfunction
and pain.

Suppressed Trigger Point Sensitivity:
JMMR helps to suppress the sensitivity of trigger points, which
helps to promote pain-reducing endorphins-release.

Enhanced Tissue Recovery and Decreased Soreness:
JMMR improves blood circulation, which facilitates oxygen and
nutrient tissue delivery.

Restored Joint Range of Motion:
JMMR helps to reset and optimize the length-tension relationship
(called myofasical tensegrity) to prepare the joint loading, tissue
stretching and muscle activation critical to both occupational and
recreational activities.

Released Adhesions and Scar Tissue:
JMMR helps to restore muscle and fascia elasticity which improves
motor quality, efficiency and precision while preventing pain.

Reduced Inflammation:
Compounds, called Cytokines, play a critical role in inflammation
are reduced through JMMR.

Accelerated Muscle Growth and Repair:
the Mitochondria of cells increase their activity due to JMMR which
accelerates muscle growth and repair.

Enhanced Neuromuscular Efficiency:
JMMR provides a comprehensive profile of movement to compensate for
over-use, mis-use and dis-use, which improves the effectiveness
while decreasing the energy required for movement.

Diminished Overall Stress:
dysfunction and pain cause the stress systems of the central
nervous system to remain switched-on, which in turn disrupts sleep,
learning, memory and quality of life.

JMMR using the Mobility Ring is easy to learn. However, not all trainers
and athletes understand the role it plays and so may not appreciate
the scientific method and applications herein.

Additionally, there are chronic conditions and diseases which may be
contraindicated to JMMR and the Mobility Ring such as varicose veins, skin
lesions, lacerations, eczema, contagious skin conditions, sunburns and
those suffering metabolic illnesses such as obesity and diabetes, those
suffering osteoporosis, and those under chemotherapy should consult their
doctor before attempting JMMR and the Mobility Ring, as it may be
contraindicated (Clark et al. 2014).

The integrated breathing cues from the Neuro-Mobility Assessment Procedure
(N-MAP) are critical to the release technique. The waving pressure,
oscillation of movement and cross-frictional motor methods combine with the
exhalation breathing to facilitate optimal responses from your upper

Short in duration, from 2-10 minutes, or a few repetitions spaced
throughout the day (called “distributed learning”) are all that’s necessary
to get optimal effects. More isn’t better. Harder isn’t better. Only better
(high quality) is better.

As a Researcher, he has published 50+ books / instructional manuals on stress physiology, including university textbooks; and has published 1,000+ articles in multiple human performance disciplines. As an Inventor, he has been awarded 3 design and utility patents (USPTO).

As a Program Manager, he has selected, trained and supervised 4,000+ subcontractors over 20 years; and has designed, managed and has taught 5 multi-tiered nationally-recognized certification courses, which have been included into qualification courses for Special Operations Forces, and which have been distributed to over 50,000 federal law enforcement agents.

Despite his early motor difficulties, obesity and joint disease, he went on to become a five-time international wrestling and martial arts medalist at Pan-American Games, World University Games, World Games and World Championships; as well as a United States National Team Coach for over a decade, and an inductee into 3 Halls of Fame.

Now, as the science advisor for senior U.S. National Security staff, Special Operations Forces, Fortune 100 Executives, the nation’s top surgeons, self-made and legacy millionaires and billionaires, Professional and Olympic Athletes, Scott provides the “smartest” advances in brain- body augmentation and longevity strategies.

Scott B. Sonnon has also been named:

Top 5 Most Powerful Trainers in Health and Fitness by Train Magazine,Top 25 Trainers in the World by Men's Fitness MagazineTop 7 Most Influential Teachers of the Century by Black Belt MagazineWorld's Smartest Workout Creator: TACFIT by Men's Health Magazine#1 Workout Tool Inventor: the Clubbell by Men's Fitness Magazine

The Mobility Ring and the Joint Mobility and Myofascial Release Method were created
by Scott B. Sonnon as part of the Neuro-Mobility Assessment Procedure (N-MAP).

N-MAP is a neuroscience-based approach to reduce and prevent injuries for
physical trainers, increase performance for athletic trainers and strength
coaches, and accelerate recovery methods for physical therapists by
rewiring your brain so that you can not only address typical over-use
issues for accelerated recovery, but so you can also reactivate the
mobility you have learned to not use, and to deactivate and re-balance the
compensations - the misuse - you’ve created because of immobility.

This new virtual image that you create for your brain allows it to restore
functional balance to the body. Fitness must, first, come from the mind,
not merely from movement.

N-MAP uses a step-by-step process of assessing over-used, dis-used and
mis-used motions and positions, to isolate deficits from compensations, to
reactivate a brain-body connection to shut-down mechanisms, and then
“sprinkles” the new function with optimized biochemistry to anchor the new
“brain map” you’ve created.

N-MAP is designed for Fitness Trainers, Athletic Trainers, Strength
Coaches, Physical Therapists, Performance Optimization Scientists, High
Performance Athletes, and those seeking to optimize their longevity through
simple, practical lifestyle strategies.

"The Mobility Ring program is a must for all fitness enthusiasts, athletes,
and for those whose occupations demand the most out of their mind and

A simple ring is used but the the effects and science is profound and their
benefits are endless. Mobility Ring addresses the multi joint functions and
tissues of the arm unlike any other mobility protocol before.

Once again, Scott Sonnon's work will add another dimension of health and
learning to your physical health and training practice. This program has
given me a fresh perspective on what it means to have mobility and how a
mobility practice can be the preventive measure to avoid injury and
maintain a healthy shape for our bodies through restoring the ranges of
motion we are meant to have. Truly another brilliant body of work by Coach

"The instant I opened the (brilliant, of course) manual for Scott Sonnon's
new Mobility Ring program, I had a flash of insight. I'd wondered what he'd
been up to, down his creative rabbit hole for so long with the world's
greatest warriors, and giving that amazing brain of his an opportunity to
really ask: "what's next.” Well, I'll tell you what's next, and its really
been right in front of us for years.

Scott is applying his massive energies and protean knowledge based and life
experience to deconstructing and re-constructing ancient technologies of
mind and body. From the moment I listened to his "Flow State Performance
Spiral" I knew he was creating bridges between the
metaphorical/metaphysical language of Chi Gung and Yoga to the no-B.S.,
real world physiological stress studies of military special forces.

Mobility Ring looks into the health benefits of a traditional Chinese
martial arts training tool, the Bagua steel ring. But because it ultimately
comes down to joint mobility and stored elastic energy, he has also,
inevitably opened the door to understanding a higher level of the "hidden
secrets" of the combat arts themselves as the two are indivisible.

The Mobility Ring is a fabulous addition to his mobility collection, but
more, it is a hint of wonders to come. I, for one, cannot wait."

“The Mobility Ring training program is highly recommended for those in need
to restore lost mobility. This program will help to regain joint function
of upper-body from fingers to shoulders. With the cutting edge Science in
motor learning and control winch is base for the new N-Map certification,
this program became my favorite to restore my own mobility and stability
due to its effectivity and practicality.
Don’t lose the chance to study with this outstanding material and prepare yourself to reclaim your freedom
to move pain-free again."

"This ring distills movement restrictions down to their root quickly and
efficiently; offering both a humbling awareness of, and an immediate
solution for, excess tension in the upper body. It is a simple, accessible
tool for succinctly identifying both compensated and compensating tissues.
Through leveraging your own limbs into the ring, it goes to work pulping
apart the myo-fascial density for effective restoration of optimal
function. humbling awareness of, and an immediate solution for, excess
tension in the upper body. It is a simple, accessible tool for succinctly
identifying both compensated and compensating tissues. Through leveraging
your own limbs into the ring, it goes to work pulping apart the myo-fascial
density for effective restoration of optimal function.

The Mobility Ring is like nothing i have learned previously. There is
nothing on the market designed to target the complex spiral lines of the
arm with more precision and ease than this ring. As a coach I aim to
empower my students/clients with tools that provide functionally relevant
improvements in their movement quality and complexity, as it applies to the
demands of their daily life, sports and occupation. As an athlete myself,
with no time to waste on gimmicks and hype, I am critical of most "trigger
point therapy" toys claiming more benefit than they actually deliver. The
Mobility Ring protocol, as taught by Scott Sonnon, is the most uniquely
accurate tool I have used to date. It is not easy, but it is simple. It is
not comfortable, it is effective. It addresses pain with productive
discomfort and brings relief to accumulated tension and movement

I now use the Mobility Ring protocol as a daily check-in to know where my
body needs additional release, where it requires heightened attention to
range of motion, and where it is feeling free to move. These skills
compliment the demands of strength training and eliminate the threat of
accumulating residual tension in the grip, wrist, elbows, shoulders and
neck for positive adaptation. Regaining confidence through pain relief is an
invaluable gift and a solid demonstration of the efficacy and value of
proper neuro-mobility training".

The Mobility Ring isn’t a physical workout program. You shouldn’t
experience exercise intensity, as it doesn’t require exertion. The Mobility
Ring uses joint mobility and myofascial release as a form of recovery
training. So, everyone from complete novice to elite expert can benefit
from the Mobility Ring.

Every other device and program of its kind admits that there had been no
tool available to appropriately target the upper extremities for myofascial
release. The Mobility Ring is the first of its kind. Additionally, the
Mobility Ring uniquely combines both myofascial release with joint mobility
in a synergistic way, only the founder of mobility, Scott B. Sonnon, could
do. The first tool of its kind and the first program of its kind makes the
Mobility Ring a powerful asset to keep in your toolbox of accelerated
self-care and performance enhancement.

That's it: just a ring. However, it’s best to get the Mobility Ring that is
optimized for use with joint mobility and myofascial release. Rings
primarily designed for gymnastics can have seams and edges which can cause
cuts and rubberized surfaces which can cause friction burns. RMAX
International has a range of rings for your level of experience: get the
basic model for beginners!

The three ring designs relate to different aspects of Joint Mobility and
Myofascial Release.

The Original Mobility Ring is for basic level use, and for preventative
measures; choose it if you’re a beginner, so the smooth surface can be
gentle on dense tissue, and so you can also regularly stay ahead of the
development of issues. If you regularly use the Mobility Ring, you can use
it’s smooth surface as a self-diagnostic to make certain you’ve released
excess tone before it becomes leathery.

The Rumble Ring™ is for intermediate use. The knobs allow you to navigate
uneven parts of your arms without grinding bones or sensitive areas. It
will give you deeper tissue kneading, so choose it if you have experience
with the Mobility Ring movements, and you’re ready to be able to use the
knobs like thumbs in self-massage.

The Thera Ring™ is for more advanced use. You need to know the movements in
the Mobility Ring, and be aware of how to properly apply pressure to
specific areas called trigger points. The hard, rope-like or knotted bands
of muscle on your arms can be targeted with the “beads” of the Thera Ring™,
but require that you know how to move into and out of the position, that
you know how to properly exhale, and you know how to apply appropriate

Even if you performed all of the exercises in the entire system, it would
only take 7 minutes a day. But you don’t need to perform it every day. Once
every four days can give you optimal preventative effects. However, you can
apply one of the exercises, which takes only seconds since the Mobility
Ring is so accessible and portable. It doesn’t require any exertion, so you
can keep it at the office, in the car, in a bag, or under the coffee table.

The benefits of the Mobility Ring are so numerous! However, here are the
Top 10 winners:

1. Improve Muscle Relaxation and Decreased Hypertonicity: the Mobility Ring
facilitates the reduction and elimination of chronic muscle tension in the
arms, which aids in the alleviation of dysfunction and pain.

2. Suppress Trigger Point Sensitivity: the Mobility Ring helps to suppress
the sensitivity of trigger points, which helps to promote pain-reducing

3. Enhance Tissue Recovery and Decrease Soreness: the Mobility Ring
improves blood circulation, which facilitates oxygen and nutrient tissue

4. Restore Joint Range of Motion: the Mobility Ring helps to reset and
optimize the length-tension relationship (called myofasical tensegrity) to
prepare the joint loading, tissue stretching and muscle activation critical
to both occupational and recreational activities.

5. Release Adhesions and Scar Tissue: the Mobility Ring helps to restore
muscle and fascia elasticity which improves motor quality, efficiency and
precision while preventing pain.

6. Reduce Inflammation: Compounds, called Cytokines, play a critical role
in inflammation are reduced through the Mobility Ring.

7. Accelerate Muscle Growth and Repair: the Mitochondria of cells increase
their activity due to the Mobility Ring which accelerates muscle growth and

8. Enhance Neuromuscular Efficiency and Awareness: When a joint is
compressed, it distorts accurate information to your brain. The Mobility
Ring clears disconnects between the brain and the body’s system of sensors,
and improves the effectiveness while decreasing the energy required for

9. Prevent Fatigue: If a joint lacks its full range of motion, your brain
detects immobility, and begins a shut-down process to protect from mis-use
and over-exertion injuries. The Mobility Ring allows you to have 100%
access to your readiness capabilities locked within your upper extremities.

10. Diminish Overall Stress: Dysfunction and pain cause the stress systems
of the central nervous system to remain switched-on, which in turn disrupts
sleep, learning, memory and quality of life. Most of our stress is
reflexively reflected in our arm tension. The Mobility Ring was designed
specifically to release it!

It will work immediately, during the first session, but depending upon the
severity of the movement dysfunction, you may need to go slowly and
carefully. You can overdo recovery, just like you can have too much of any
good thing. Take your time, and enjoy the results. More isn’t necessarily
better. After you get ahead of the current issues, you can dose a Mobility
Ring session every few days to keep from any future issues developing.

The Mobility Ring can be used as a recovery day program, as a warm-up, as a
cool-down, or in between sets for a reset. It’s as versatile as any roller,
ball or band!

The above is a symbolic depiction of the product’s content. For illustration purposes only.
The complete product’s content comes in a digital/downloadable format.

The Mobility Ring program includes an extensive manual detailing all of Coach Scott Sonnon's prolific work building this program. Coach Sonnon details how our bodies are shaped and how it translates to our movement and, as Coach states it as, "The Epidemic of Immobility". This program is a specialized mobility program NOT a stretching program. Injuries and dysfunctions to the arm and its parts is the #1 most common and EXPENSIVE occupational injury; the use of the ring as a tool, unwinding the spiral line of the arm, to address these dysfunctions is one-of-a-kind and ingenious. Every aspect of the program and its science is detailed in this very thorough operational manual that will be your gui along developing your practice.

Every Mobility Ring drill has been carefully detailed in the accompanying technique manual. Every drill is broken down into easily accessible steps and then details how they fit together. Alongside step-by-step instructions, each drill is provided with its purpose so you know exactly what each movement is addressing, key coaching cue points, training guidelines, and what to avoid for maximum effectiveness.

Every movement in conjunction with the technique manual has a video counterpart of Coach Sonnon himself demonstrating each drill and expanding upon the instruction found in the technique manual. In these videos Coach Sonnon introduces more context, deeper technical explanation, and provides a visual reference to ensure the internalization of the methodology. The more sources of information we are exposed to, the more efficient and dense our learning experience.

Once you have read the operational manual and its’ science, and you have reviewed the technical aspects of Mobility Ring - then it's time to apply your new skill set. Follow along with Coach Sonnon himself as you see and hear the drills in their proper order and cadence until you have fully internalized the routine. Even as you progress, you will have this video as a reference to always be cleaning up your technique to get the most optimized effect out of your repetitions while cementing the information you will learn from the manual and technical instruction videos.

Do you need your own Mobility Ring for this Program? Scroll down to see purchasing options.


Please Note:
These is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The program will be immediately available for you to download and
get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website. Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page
for the transaction by Clickbank, the most popular online payment processor of digital products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to the
registration page(s) where you will choose user credentials for your download page(s). The written material is in the PDF format, so you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open the
file(s). The video files are available in the .m4v format. Largest PDF manual’s size is appr. 25 MB. Largest video file is appr. 98 MB. Appr. total space needed : 1.38 GB.


You'll be able to extend your Mobility Ring package with these
7 add-on Mobility Ring Matrices,once you've completed this purchase,
and logged onto the download portal.

If you would like to purchase 7 Additional Mobility Ring Matrices please click on this image

For support issues, please Contact Us

Do you need your own Mobility Ring for this Program?

is for basic level use, and for preventative measures; choose it if you’re a beginner, so the smooth surface can
be gentle on dense tissue, and so you can also regularly stay ahead of the development of issues. If you regularly
use the Mobility Ring, you can use it’s smooth surface as a self-diagnostic to make certain you’ve released excess
tone before it becomes leathery.

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Click here to get Mobility Ring at discounted price while it's still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Mobility Ring is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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