Friday, January 31, 2020


Why Real Estate Agents Need INSIGHTS?

Why Real Estate Agents Need INSIGHTS?

In most areas of this country, there are a large number of real estate agents, yet, in most instances, a small percentage of them, do most of the business. Often, one of the primary considerations, in differentiating between the best agents, and the rest, of the pack, is their degree and quality of INSIGHTS! Clients need, and deserve the finest representation, and therefore, should carefully consider, which agent, best serves their needs, goals, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Integrity: Perhaps, more than any other, single quality/ aspect, you need and deserve to hire someone, who possesses the highest degree of personal and professional integrity, and proceeds, with ethics, which exceed, those required by most state's laws, and the requirements and rules of real estate boards.

2. Needs: Every homeowner has certain differences, needs, requirements, goals, priorities, and perceptions! Only, when one is represented, by someone, who prioritizes these, is he making the best decision, for his personal interests, etc!

3. Service: A primary reason, to seek professional representation, is to receive the high quality of service, which makes a significant difference, for the better! How one is served, makes this possible, because it reduces the stresses, and tensions, associated with the real estate process, etc.

4. Imagination; innovate; insights: Results, usually, are enhanced and improved, when an agent possesses a well - developed, considered, imagination, which is relevant to creating better, finer results, etc! To do so, one must be ready, and willing, to innovate, and articulate, clearly, his insights, to his client, so they proceed, on the same - page, with the finest, most meaningful, degree of teamwork!

5. Good: Good should not be good - enough, because you deserve genuine excellence! Discuss with your potential agents, up - front, what they will do, for you, which differentiates them, from the rest - of - the - pack!

6. Head/ heart; healing: Many homeowners discover, one of the challenges, of putting their home on the market, is, often, balancing their emotional, with their logical ones! An agent must proceed, with a focus and emphasis, on healing, and easing, the process!

7. Timely; time - tested; trends: Professionals learn from their experiences, to become better, and more prepared. To do so, they understand and use, relevant, time - tested actions, while proceeding, without procrastination, in a well - considered, timely manner! In addition, this must be done, while taking advantage of those trends, which might, ease this process, in the client's best - interests!

Since, for most of us, our home represents our single - biggest, financial asset, doesn't it make sense, to hire someone, with the INSIGHT, to make things better! Will you proceed, wisely?


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