Saturday, February 29, 2020


Here at @BHTherapies we are blessed with incredibly skilled therapists like @Lil...

Here at @BHTherapies we are blessed with incredibly skilled therapists like @Lil...

Here at @BHTherapies we are blessed with incredibly skilled therapists like @LilyWinslowMassage, who will tap directly into your body's needs. She explains MINDFUL MASSAGE to us here: "When I talk about what I do, I describe it as a ‘mindful practise’. But what does that actually mean?

I had a massage in Thailand once where, throughout the treatment, the therapist was chatting to the therapist next to her🗣. I’m sure she knew what she was doing when it came to massage technique but she wasn’t ‘there’ with me. She wasn’t focussed on what my body was doing or saying. When giving massage, I am fully there with you. I’m listening to your body with every single touch. I mindfully apply pressure - listening to when your body says ‘stop’ and where it wants to move and flow. I am using my hands to listen for tension and stiffness as well as mobility and space to move in to.

This doesn’t mean I can read minds 🔮. I encourage open communication between us - especially when we’re doing trigger point and stretching work. We work together to find the trigger points that are causing you pain and release them in a mindful way. I don’t believe that massage should be painful to be effective - but that’s a topic for another time.

Finally I just want to say that there might be parts of our bodies that we don’t want other people to touch. And that is fine. Some people don’t like their feet being touched, or their stomach. You don’t need to tell me the reason, just let me know and I’m totally happy to avoid an area.

A great massage is one that designed specifically for you - your mind and body - and is performed with mindful, thoughtful touch, in a way that feels safe for you. I’m with you every step of the way" ✋🏽 #massage #mindfulness #Brighton #Brightonandhove #weekend #relax #rehab #sports #gym #exercise #mind #body #health #holistichealth #holistichealing #massagetherapist #focus #strength #consent #therapy #mentalhealth #triggerpointtherapy #stretch


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