Saturday, February 1, 2020


Real Estate Development Made Easy

Real Estate Development Made Easy

Product Name: Real Estate Development Made Easy

Click here to get Real Estate Development Made Easy at discounted price while it's still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Real Estate Development Made Easy is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Even complete newbie’s can make this break through when the ‘veil of secrecy’ is lifted and the simple Step by Step process is set out for you to make you a career or fortune with no more effort than you put in now.

From the Desk of: Colm K Dillon  Developer Author Coach

Are You A Frustrated Developer?

What you’re about to discover is the equivalent to having a key to Fort Knox and making off with as much gold as you can carry.

And NOW is the perfect time to LEARN this fantastic business.

FINALLY, here is an opportunity to get your hands on the “money-getting” real estate development system known as Real Estate Development Made Easy that only the top professional developers know.

If you think making money in development is hard… you won’t feel that way after today.

Simply because the Real Estate Development Made Easy system delivers “head-shaking” results for rank beginners all the way to veterans.

In fact, the astonishing results people have achieved around the world over the past 5 years using this unique system is proof that it works spectacularly well in the hands of a wide range of people all fired with the same burning ambition to achieve.

Two years ago, I bought the first edition of your e-book, Real Estate Development Made Easy. I can honestly say that this book has been life-changing for myself and my two partners.

None of us had any real estate development experience prior to reading your book, but with it as our guide, we were able to bring a 20-unit residential subdivision to completion, making a tidy profit in the end.

We used your book as a step-by-step guide, and it served us with the complete security of knowing that we were following the guidance of an experienced mentor. From timelines, to marketing advice, to templates for finance submission, the book was spot-on.

We are now a recognized and established player in our local development community-- after just two years!

Thank you, Colm, for writing this book. I still refer to it. I could not imagine getting started in real estate development without it and naturally I have bought your new Commercial Real

Estate Development Made Easy Course.

the Real Estate Development Made Easy system is so powerful you’ll enter your first development without having to buy the land ... well that’s how professionals do it ... and that’s only the beginning.

How confident would you feel starting your first development knowing every step of the way is mapped out for you? Not hard to answer, that one eh?

But, the fact of the matter is, achieving these things from the age of 29 is not wishful thinking. This is something totally within your reach.

1) Are you a complete beginner?

Then the Real Estate Development Made Easy system is the quickest way for you to start a successful development business. It will allow you to build the right foundation for a successful business for years to come.

Every single person I've talked to who applied Real Estate Development Made Easy system to their business have said if they could go back to when they got started, they would have started with Real Estate Development Made Easy from Day 1.

It has been a long gap since I communicated with you but I was very busy with pre-development of my new residential project in India.

So my news is that last week (October 08) I launched a 180 apartments residential project that you can view at

I opened up 84 apartments for sale, and I am very happy to tell you that I was able to sell 42 apartments within 1 week.

I was confident about the 'End Product' and thanks for your insightful tips about 'How a Buyer Feels' was also confident about the pricing & positioning, in these market conditions.

At every stage of planning and while selecting each material & product I remembered your words, "What do you want the buyer to feel?".

I am really happy to admit that the insights from your book have substentially helped me in achieving this success.

Ones again I express my sincere gratitude for sharing your wisdom .

2) Have you tried, but never seem to be able to get a development business off the ground?

Believe me when I tell you, it’s not your fault. You’ve just never been allowed to access this kind of development information before. You can now because I searched libraries, shops and the internet for anything written by an “actual developer” as opposed to academic books and found nothing.

I know you found the same because thousand of my students have told me how relieved they were to find someone who had actually done development and would answer their questions.

So the Real Estate Development Made Easy system is going to be a refreshing change. That’s because it will give you a Step by Step system, as well as full explanations at every stage so that you’ll quickly build your business and confidence. And there is no technology to hold you back – just reading; the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide.

3) Do you already have a successful development business?

Then you’re going to think you’ve died and gone to heaven. You’ll see your business bottom line take a big jump. The single thing I have been told by experienced ‘self-taught’ developers

is, “I now realize how much money I have left on the table over the past 10 – 15 years.”

I cannot hardly summarize how blessed we have been over the past year. See our attached web page link for an overview of some of our projects we have going on

Real Estate Development Made Easy Will Take You From Where You Are To Where You Want To Go…In Record Time!

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

But, it gets even better.

• Real Estate Development Made Easy system has already put you ahead of 99% of other developers….

• All business has risk … but this system is all ‘safety first.’

• You personally operate in a happier state of mind knowing precisely how your development is mapped out and never have to ask, “What do I do next?”

• Your knowledge allows you to concentrate on your ‘work’ while your designers and builder gets on with theirs...

• You can focus on only the things you thoroughly enjoy and are best at in your business… 

• Because of the expertise you will have you can virtually crush your competition in the market with your speed and continuity of action… 

• You can now spend much more time on marketing your development, as well as looking for new development opportunities. It’s like hitting the jackpot… 

• You’ll experience a SNOWBALL effect in your business and the money-making momentum will be nothing short of life-changing!

Real Estate Development Made Easy Puts

 The Accelerator In Your Business

Do you see the HUGE amount of control you’ll now have in your business? Gone are the days of frustration and failure. When you plug into this system and follow it—you WILL NOT FAIL!

And, faster than you can say “show me the money”, you’ll be moving from a left-side business to what I refer to as a Right-Side Business.

A Left-Side Business vs. A Right-Side Business

First, I want you to imagine a left-side business. This represents a nice business with an average to low product value and presentation.

Next, I want you to picture a right-side business using all of the Real Estate Development Made Easy system steps and procedures. This represents running a business that gives you ULTIMATE FREEDOM due to your having a system that is used at the big end of town, but applied to your individual size project.

Here’s the really cool part. Regardless of where you’re at today, you’re only a few steps away from running a right-side business.

Isn’t that exciting to think about? Are you beginning to realize that this isn’t some pipe dream? Real Estate Development Made Easy makes this very doable.

I Started Out Not Knowing — But Look At Me Now

In case you don’t know my story, let me quickly hit some of the highlights.

• I grew up in a small town in Ireland

• My family struggled financially and money was always a problem even though my father was a Pharmacist.

• We father died at an early age and in those days there was no pension benefits and I promised myself when I was an adult my family wouldn’t experience what I did.

• To relieve my mother of the cost of educating and feeding me, as well as continue my education I joined the Air Force at 15, trained as an engineer and stayed in the forces for 12 years.

• I did not have a clue what I wanted to do after I left the Air Force other than I did not want engineering anymore.

• I decided on real estate and became an agent and loved it, but wanted more than just an increasing bank balance which was easy for me and therefore no challenge.

• My version of better was developing buildings, so I found a billion dollar developer and convinced him to hire me and train me ... and that as they say was the start of this FANTASTIC LIFE!

You see, I started out a bit clueless and frustrated … struggled with what to do after the Air Force, yet believing there was something better than slaving away at a 9-5 job. I wanted to live life on my terms, but didn’t know how to make it happen.

This developer/mentor was methodical in his approach to development and gradually I started following his methods and the results were nothing short of amazing.

• I grew to be able to manage 5 development projects at a time.

• I understood the need for project continuity, so that you did not just get a pile of cash profit every 18 months, you needed profit flow on a regular basis, say every 4 to 6 months.

• After 3 years I moved interstate and started up a new development company and stayed there developing for the next 30 years.

• A funny thing happens when you are successful ... there has to be more. Only in my case it was not the need for more money. I became consumed with the desire to pass on my development knowledge at this stage of my life.

• And that’s how the Real Estate Development Made Easy series of courses were created and why I have dedicated the last 5 years to teaching people in over 100 countries to be successful.

So that is a quick overview of my development life to now.

Real Estate Development Made Easy

Listen up here. I started off with nothing more than a willingness to learn from a successful billion dollar developer and a driving passion to be successful and enjoy the freedom to live a good life.

My system is the secret weapon. It is the first time a developer has written an instruction course; not theory but actually “What To Do” in every situation. It’s a system that has brought in profits on every development over the last 30 years.

I'm sorry that I haven't writing you earlier since I had bought your book and received your email. I've been excitedly reading through it. Fantastic piece of work; Thank you.

I'm an Architect and I have been renovating for a little stint and your 'manual' basically affirms some points of procedure that I have suspected and gives some great new insights as well as the courage for me to proceed.

Thanks again and I will be in touch soon.

I have a copy of your e-book now and am looking forward to getting stuck into it. I am involved in a number of residential & student accommodation projects but feel I have so much to learn. It's good to know there is someone like yourself out there who has done much bigger projects and is willing to teach. Thanks again.

Thank you for replying. Your generosity and graciousness is a reflection of the high levels of spirituality and wisdom that you have attained. I feel privileged to be a student and beneficiary of your knowledge and wisdom. Indeed I must thank YOU! And I do.

I am very happy that I found you and your e-book on my search for real estate development guidance. I have been in real estate for some years and read a lot of books.

I find that here in USA there is a lot of books on real estate investing but very few about real estate development. I guess it is because most experienced developers don't have the time to write books as they are too busy with developing properties.

It is therefore very fortunate and unique that someone like you with more than 30 years experience has taking the time to write down your experience and even better are available for direct coaching.

Your e-book is definitely the most useful book I have found so far. I now have my first development project going and it’s great to know that I always can ask you about any issues that arise in the project. Thank you so much for giving back your experience to those of us who need it.

It’s Time To Reveal A Bit More …

Remember at the beginning of this letter when I told you I stumbled around ... totally directionless not knowing how my life would pan out?

That was only partly true. What I didn’t tell you then was that I had transferred to a totally new country, where I had to learn a whole new way of life. Imagine if you had moved half way around the world and still did not know what you were going to do for a living ... scary!

That’s right, it is scary. But do you know it is also a fantastic motivator. It puts you brain into overdrive. Your savings are not going to last forever and living on welfare is not an option.

Your position has just “gotta” be better than mine was ... so where is your motivation coming from?

I mean, “do you really want to be a developer?”

Are you prepared to do some “home study?”

Because if you will apply yourself ... and follow my ‘step by step’ system you will enjoy a successful life and career ‘with safety.’

Professional Developers Know ...

If you want to make real money in your development business, you need to have a methodical system, where there is a specific ‘thing’ that must be done every day of your developments life until that brand new building of your is standing there ... finished ... and you can’t believe it’s there ... looking fantastic!

Notice I did not say 'you personally' have to do every-'thing' yourself ... however a phone call to your architect every few days is not going to be too much for you; eh?

Here's the "Real Secret" to development ... you must be able to manage people ... and get them to do - - what you want -- on Time and Cost.

That is what I teach you!

There is so much Hollywood image hype about developers ... flashy cars, flashy women, pools, cocktails, Buy – Sell and so on.

That's all a scriptwriters dream!

So let’s get that image stuff out of the way ... Bin It!

If this business is for you ... then I will teach you how to do it the “Right Way; The First Time” provided you give me some of your ‘free evening time.

The Ultimate Real Estate Development System Made Easy

It is Made Easy for you because I have cut out all the unnecessary theory that an academic would teach you.

I’m a professional developer, so I cut to the chase in every explanation telling you exactly “what you must do.” That’s it.

With the Real Estate Development Made Easy system steps in place you’re able to compress the entire development process, so it happens automatically, predictably and in the fastest time without any further interaction needed on your part.

Rub your eyes and read that again…

... “automatically, predictably and in the fastest time without any further interaction needed on your part...”

That is what ‘knowing what you are doing’ from the beginning means. You know exactly what everyone’s job is ... what they should do ... when they should do it by ... and a reporting system that lets you sleep well at night.

Being A Professional Developer

A Developer’s No. 1 Subject

Where To Get Your Local Market Data

Don’t Tell Me To Research Colm. Tell Me How To Do It…

With Development Lenders

With Other Members of the Team

With Real Estate Agents – Brokers

The Electrical Engineers

Start the Developing Process

First Preliminary Design Meeting

Second Preliminary Design Meeting

Development Application Focus

Third Preliminary Design Meeting

Feasibility Study Explanation

Feasibility Study Collection Sheet

Actual Costs as % of TCC & Sales Income

Feasibility Study Work Sheet Analysis

Development Application Preparation

Development Finance Application & Template

How the Development Finance Business Works

Preliminaries To Making An Application

My Finance Application Template – Supplied.

Finance Application Template Explanation

Construction Preliminaries

Types of Construction Contracts

Construction Cost Bid / Tender Process

Construction Price & Time Presentation

BA Issued – Construction Starts

Advertising & Sales of Units

Sales Contracts Advertising

Managing Your Sales Campaign

Sales Closure/Settlement

Building Handover Procedures

This is NOT a “get rich quick” scheme. But, just in case I am misunderstood; there’s nothing wrong with becoming rich and successful as quickly as possible.

The Real Estate Development Made Easy system is just that — a system. It immediately gives you a proven way to build a real development business with long-term profits.

This is NOT just the latest fad. I’ve been using the Real Estate Development Made Easy system for the past 30 years and it has produced financially profitable developments for all that time.

It’s what I and the top professional developers have used to keep our businesses profitable.

At this point, I’m sure you’re wondering…

How Do I Get My Hands On The 

Real Estate Development Made Easy System?

Have Costs Increased Over The Past 9 Years? You know darn well they have ... but ...

Please Let's Be Clear On This Point

I know that real estate development is not for everyone.

It is one thing for me to talk about my modest start in the business - with a family, mortgage and a dog ... and nothing but a desire for something better, but I had great ‘drivers’ behind my desire.

However, if life has taught me anything, it has taught me that the cheapest cost of a new venture is the part about learning how it all works provided you can find someone to teach you.

Once you have that knowledge you can make an intelligent and informed decision as to whether this development lifestyle of fredom is for you.

I whole-heartedly believe that everyone should experience the sheer thrill of running a right-side business you love — enabling you to have the freedom we all desire.

Either this makes sense to you or not. Either you’re ready to start a successful development business or career or build your existing business to “empire” levels or not.

Besides, if you’ve read this far, it is probably all making perfect sense to you by now.

You Now Have The Perfect Business LEVER… Get Ready To Move The World; I Did!

A wise man once said, “Give me a long enough lever and I can move the world.” That’s the spirit of the Real Estate Development Made Easy system.

You see, it’s all about working smarter and not harder. It’s about giving you a new found leverage … effectively moving the fulcrum point in your business … allowing you to experience exponential growth and spine-tingling freedom.

Why build one house; when in the same time you can build six townhouses? One profit Versus Six profits. That’s what development is all about ... better use of your time.

So what are you waiting for?

Purchasing the Real Estate Development Made Easy system today will be one of the best business decisions you ever make.

If you’re ready to get serious about your success then take action — NOW!

A Few Extra Things I Have To Tell You

In addition to my three e-courses I have also had made a Feasibility Study Program that automatically does all the hard slog calculations for your Cash Flow & Feasibility work ... and then lets you print it out in the perfect format for your finance application.

It allows you to do all the "what-if" feasibility study and cash flow scenes you like for all three formats; residential, commercial and land subdivision.

Learn, Grow & Be Successful

To access the page to buy any or all of my courses, Feasibility Toolkit and Workshop DVDS just CLICK HERE


My e-courses and Feasibility Study Toolkit are digitally-delivered product, which means you can download the file after receiving my email and start using it right away... no waiting for shipping! You can start learning my method in a matter of minutes!

The cost of my teaching material may be tax-deductible, as an expense for your investment education. This deduction is normally available to US residents (for readers in other countries, please consult your tax agent). The receipt for your records will be immediately emailed after purchase.

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Click here to get Real Estate Development Made Easy at discounted price while it's still available...

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Real Estate Development Made Easy is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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