Saturday, October 31, 2020


Online Marketing Strategies That Suit Your Pocketbook

Online Marketing Strategies That Suit Your Pocketbook

Just because money for marketing may be tight doesn't mean you have to go without an online marketing strategy. In fact, just a few easy marketing tactics can get you the attraction you're looking for without going over your budget. Here are five strategies that allow you to get in the game with everyone else in your niche:

1. Create a LinkedIn Group

LinkedIn is a great place to get you some publicity and creating a group surrounding a topic relating to your business or product is a great way to get the ball rolling. You're not going to hard sell anyone in your group, but you can get some discussions going and offer helpful resources to the community, which will ultimately benefit your business. Additionally, you can meet up with other professionals in your field so that authentic networking can occur.

2. Reach out to niche blogs

There's surely blogs that have a lot of traffic in your niche. Reach out to them and see if you can bring value to their readership. You can offer to write a high quality article for them to post on their site or offer your service for free or reduced price for a selected time. If you can write high quality and creative content, most blogs will gladly post your content and you'll get some great publicity.

3. Ask for endorsement

Do you have any celebrities or well-known people in your community that would be willing to endorse your product or business? Keep your ears and eyes open for those who might be willing to give your service or product a good recommendation. Feel free to do some research in this area and be willing to send your product or give free service to key prospects. The ability to get local celebrities talking about you is a great way to get more traffic to your website and more sales in your pocket.

4. Make YouTube videos

Do you know that YouTube gets more than 800 million hits a month? That's huge! If you haven't done so, create interesting and relevant YouTube videos that provide value to others. Talk about your product, services, or anything relevant to such. Be sure to end with a call to action, such as asking for people to subscribe to your channel or visit your website. YouTube is a superb platform for marketing and no one should neglect this avenue.

5. Provide an e-book that will get readers attention

Another way that will boost traffic is to provide an e-book to the public that offers value and points back to your business. Amazon makes it easy to upload digital e-books and will actually give you at least a 33% revenue for each e-book sold. Making a profit from your book is nice, but it's not your primary objective for writing such. E-books are simply another avenue to get your business product or service out there so that people can discover you! If you do not want to write an e-book yourself, you can hire a freelance writer to do this for you for a good price on Elance or Odesk.

Go ahead and utilize these five online marketing strategies in your business and watch your traffic increase. Remember that online marketing takes consistency and discipline. If you will commit to taking the time and making the effort, you will begin to see the numbers increase in traffic and sales.


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