2009-09-19 pfg_2431
View Large On Black
Action from "Brawl of America," WFTDA's North Central Regional Tournament. Day Two: September 19, 2009.
North Star Supernovas (black) vs Minnesota Rollergirls (aqua) in a round to determine who has a shot at placing highest on the tournament's final (following) day.
Final Score: North Stars 76 Minnesota 61.
Preflash Gordon on 2009-10-08 04:23:27
Tagged: , north star roller girls , nsrg , minnesota rollergirls , mnrg , wftda , roller derby , roller skate , flat track , athlete , sports , roy wilkins , brawl of america , north central regionals , jammer , blocker , pivot , quad skates , riedell , preflash gordon , ncr