Motocross - Austrian Championships
Taken at a run to the Austrian CS in Imbach / Lower Austria April 27th, 2008
I was there with my sons (both 6 years old) and we had a lot of fun.
Canon 5D with Sigma 120-300/2.8 @300mm
1/2000s f/3.2 ISO 160
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guenterleitenbauer on 2019-09-24 14:22:44
Tagged: , 2008 , April , Austria , Guenter , Günter , Imbach , MX , Rennen , Speed , Staatsmeisterschaft , bike , cross , enduro , fotos , geschwindigkeit , motocross , motorbike , motorrad , motorsport , motorsports , race , racing , sport , sports , , ÖM , action , moto , Krems , Niederösterreich , ImpressedBeauty , ABigFave , APlusPhoto , Picture Fantastic , bild , bilder , image , images , picture , pictures , flickr , google , com , natur , nature , leitenbauer , imaging , fotografien , kunst , art , fineart , fine