Difference Between Java and WordPress
Java and WordPress are very much different, this is an attempt to compare and see where they intersect each other.
Java is an enterprise Language, what it means it is used to build enterprise applications, what do we mean by that?
· A variety of clients can interact with applications like browsers, smart tablets, B2B applications, .NET and other language apps.
· High Security to support the standards.
· Highly Scalable to support the growing traffic.
· Performance - Begin compile time performance is high.
· E.g applications are Gaming, ECommerce websites, Billing, Retail, CRM and tons of others
Java can be used to create blogging CMS like WordPress. There are CMS's like alfresco, Plone, JRoller whodo to attempt to that, but none has been able so popular as WordPress.
Very specialized CMS/blogging engine build on top of PHP.
· It is very easy to learn software, compare it to learning MS Word.
· You don't need to know PHP/programming to be WordPress website developer.
· It has a themes concept, which allows a developer to configure website pages with easy.
· Supports thousands of plugins, almost easy to find any kind of functionality a website needs.
· Installs on Apache Server with PHP engine.
· Many hosting sites support 1 click install.
· Uses MySQL as the backend engine.
As you see, WordPress and Java cannot be compared as one is a language where another is a software built on PHP language.
Had WordPress been written in Java
As a Java Developer, I do wish WordPress was built on Java, it would have given
1. Java applications a web flair, we would have to see all together new set of applications /widgets/ plugins.
2. Designers would have not been scared of the language at all.
3. Applications could have used the WordPress database, which has a very simple schema.
WordPress And Java Together
Resin Quercus
Resin is a Java Application server, but with a twist, it has a Quercus engine which allow PHP applications to installed as Java applications.
What does this mean, if a WordPress can be installed on Resin will run as a Java application and also take advantage of libraries like Spring, Hibernate,SOA.
Also, will definitely perform way better as it will be compiled only once and not be interpreted with every request like it does now
To have this integration working has its own challenges but good news is there is a way.
While WordPress has it own niche, creating CMS websites with blog functionality, it is the DeFacto Platform.
But when it comes to creating highly scalable enterprise Applications Java is the DeFacto Platform.