Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Some Agricultural Waste Disposal Or Storage Tips

Some Agricultural Waste Disposal Or Storage Tips

1. Only burn agricultural waste or "plant tissue" if you have prior consent from EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

2. Reduce, re-use and recycle farm waste, if possible segregate plastic bags and wrapping materials. Collect and store agricultural waste plastic straight after use and contact an approved plastic-recycling scheme if the plastic is deemed no longer usable on farm. You should be able to find a local collector by contacting your local council.

3. Keep all out buildings farm steadings and farmlands clean and tidy and free. Remove unsightly litter from farming activity, especially used agricultural plastics, scrap and containers.

4. Store agricultural waste securely, thus reducing environmental damage and any risk to human health, and excellent way of doing this is with a specially designed agricultural recycling bin.

5. monitor water use carefully to minimise leakage or wastage, especially where any seepage is increasing levels of agricultural waste production (for example slurry build up)

6. Burn oil waste in any appliance once prior authorisation has been granted by EPA for burning this troublesome waste by product.

7. Recycle waste oil, lubricants, scrap metals and plastics and tyres as some of these will become toxic and hazardous over time.

8. If possible sort your agricultural waste into categories for example string, net, fertiliser bags, cardboard and paper, buckets and containers, feed bags, silage waste.

9. Separate into hazardous and no hazardous waste some materials are toxic and should be handled with extreme care. If ever in doubt (COSHH - control of substances hazardous to health) guidelines should be available on request from your product supplier this is their legal responsibility.


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